Hi and Welcome to my website!

I am a PhD student in Economics at the University of Strathclyde starting in Oct 2021. I am under the supervision of Dr. Jonathan Norris and Dr. Agnese Romiti. I hold an MSc in Economics from the University of Edinburgh and a Bachelor of Economics in International Economics and Trade from Shanghai International Studies University.

My research interests lie in applied microeconomics, labour economics, education, and behavioural economics. Here you can find my Academic CV.

Working Papers

Reference Dependent Aspirations and Peer Effects in Education (with Marco Fongoni, Jonathan Norris, and Agnese Romiti). 2022.
[ Abstract | IZA Working Paper ]

Work in-Progress

Beliefs on Children’s Human Capital Accumulation and Mothers at Work (with Césarine Boinet, Jonathan Norris, and Agnese Romiti).

One-Child Policy in China and the Intergenerational Effects on Health (with Thi Tham Ta).